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AKAT Pro 6: Anti Cut Security Fence

یوفر السیاج حمایة نهائیة للممتلكات الهامة عن طریق تأخیر المتسللین باستخدام أدوات مناسبة، وقویة وفقًا لمعاییر ASTM F2781 ،والتي تمتثل إلى توجیهات HCIS .

Rated as per ASTM F2781
Testing Video

What is ASTM F2781-15?

In ASTM F2781-15, the forced entry resistance of AKAT Pro 6 fencing systems is evaluated relative to three levels of forced entry threat (Low, Medium, Aggressive) using the limited hand tool inventory. It also establishes a system for rating the forced entry resistance of those systems.
Threat Level Delay Time Force Entry Resistance Ratings
Medium (Power Tool) 24.9 Minutes M24.9
Aggresive (Ballistic Power Tools) 5.9 minutes A5.9

The 3-layered fencing system, such as the AKAT Pro 6 anti-cut and anti-climb fencing, is one of our most popular HCIS-compliant fences. It provides ultimate protection for boundary fencing and securing critical assets by offering a suitable minimum delay time. These delay-rated fences are specifically designed for borders and serve as effective anti-personnel fences.


Delay Time

Reinforced design provides a delay time of 5-25 mins with even aggressive cutting tools which is guaranteed by ASTM

Long life

PVC coating of upto 1000 microns over hot dip galvanized material ensures superior corrosion & abrasion resistance in sandy & saline areas.

Visibilty Index

It is compliance to HCIS standards, enabling the patrol team and surveillance cameras with a clear view of the external interface area.

High Deterrence

Fences can be reinforced with an additional layer of protection by using concertina coils or Anti-climb security spikes

Installation Support

We provide experts for complete end - to - end installation & AMC support leading to a hassle free post sales


Our inhouse team can design fence systems with custom height, coating and delay time based on the security & site requirements.


Delay Time
Reinforced design provides a delay time of 5-25 mins with even aggressive cutting tools which is guaranteed by ASTM
Long life
PVC coating of upto 1000 microns over hot dip galvanized material ensures superior corrosion & abrasion resistance in sandy & saline areas.
Visibilty Index
It is compliance to HCIS standards, enabling the patrol team and surveillance cameras with a clear view of the external interface area.
High Deterrence
Fences can be reinforced with an additional layer of protection by using concertina coils or Anti-climb security spikes
Installation Support
We provide experts for complete end - to - end installation & AMC support leading to a hassle free post sales
Our inhouse team can design fence systems with custom height, coating and delay time based on the security & site requirements.

A1 Fence AKAT Pro 6 Specifications

A1 Akat Pro 6 is a premier anti-climb and anti-cut fencing system in Saudi Arabia. We specialize in providing ASTM rated fencing systems, including HCIS fences, that are highly durable and secure. Our robust R.H.S. posts are designed to thwart intrusion tools, ensuring enhanced security. Additionally, our fences are coated with TPC (Thermoplastic Coating), making them an ideal choice for anti-cut security fences, offering protection against abrasion and corrosion, resulting in a long-lasting lifespan.

Our Akat Pro system is ASTM F2781 Rated and proven to provide excellent fence-cutting delay times. When tested with medium tools, the delay time is 24.9 minutes, while with aggressive tools, it is 5.9 minutes. This demonstrates the effectiveness of our delay fencing in preventing unauthorized access and ensuring the security of the protected area.

With its anti-cut and anti-climb features, the A1 Akat Pro system serves as an ideal solution for anti-personnel fences, offering reliable protection against intrusion attempts. We take pride in delivering high-quality anti-climb fencing that meets stringent security requirements, making it a top choice for safeguarding critical assets.

Mesh size 76.2 ±3.2mm x 12.7mm ±1.60mm (Tolerances are in accordance with ASTM F 2453)
Wire Diameter 3.0mm (±0.07mm) (Wire tolerances are in accordance with ASTM A 641)
Height of the Panel 2755.9mm
Width of the Panel 2626mm
Post Dimensions 120mm X 60mm
Post Height 3555mm (2805mm above Ground Level, 750mm buried in Ground)

AKAT Pro Material Specification

ميزة A-1

كانتA1 كانت A1 Fenceواحدة من الشركات الرائدة في توفير حلول أمنية عالية الجودة ومعتمدة ومبتكرة على مستوى العالم.


عقدين من الخبرة في مجال الأمن المحيط.

حلول التصميم

إننا نساعد في تصميم حزمة حلول كاملة من خلال فهم التهديدات الأمنية في الموقع واختيار مجموعات مناسبة من المنتجات ودمجها جميعًا.

خبرة التصنيع والطلاء

لدينا مصنع محلي في المملكة العربية السعودية، و 4 منشآت تصنيع في الهند، و 2 في الخارج ، ونحن نفتخر بقدرة تصنيعية تبلغ 60,000 طن متري سنويًا، كما أن تجهيزات الطلاء الحديثة لدينا قادرة على إنتاج طلاءات عالية الجودة مثل PPCأو PVCأو TPC

دعم التثبيت

لدينا فريق مخصص للتثبيت الكامل من البداية إلى النهاية ودعم AMCلصيانة الأنظمة المختلفة من خلال شبكة قوية من الشركاء، والمشرفين الداخليين، والمدربين وفريق الدعم.
